Trobat acts a service provider for artists to sell their work, and for individuals interested in purchasing artwork through both an online and physical marketplace.
Before you engage with Trobat either by means of use of this website or through any other means, you must read, agree with and accept all of these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as Trobat’s Privacy and Security Policy.
Artist is taken to mean any person whosoever consigns Artwork to Trobat for sale.
Artwork is taken to mean any work created by an Artist.
Content is taken to mean any data, text, images, usernames, graphics, photos, paintings, drawings, artworks, profiles or links or any other information whatsoever that is posted by Trobat, Artist or a User of the website.
Purchaser is taken to mean any person that acquires either by means of this website or through any other means an Artwork.
User is taken to mean any person, Purchaser, Artist or not, who browses or uses the Trobat website for any purpose.
Service Region
Trobat services and ships internationally. The User acknowledges and accepts that whilst Trobat endeavours to provide services internationally, extenuating circumstances may from time to time place restraints on providing those services. In those instances, the User warrants to seek resolution with Trobat reasonably, amicably and to the extent that an appropriate compromise may be reached and agreed upon by both parties.
Age, Competence and Responsibility
Users represent and warrant that they are of sufficient legal age to use the Trobat website and are competent understand and create any legally binding obligations that may form as a result of using this website or any other service that Trobat provides.
Unauthorised Use
Users represent and warrant that they will not use this website or any other platform in connection to Trobat for any proscribed, illegal or unauthorised purpose. Posting of advertisements or links to any other websites, including but not limited to social networking sites, is not allowed without express written permission from Trobat.
Prices & Sales Practice
All prices displayed on the Trobat website are in Euros and will convert accordingly to the local currency of the User’s country. The User acknowledges and accepts that these prices are set at the agreed discretion of Trobat and Artist(s). Any variation on these prices is at the sole discretion of Trobat and Artist.
The User acknowledges and accepts that in instances where the User fails to pay an agreed price, Trobat reserves the right to refuse the User access to the website, and any further commercial transactions in future. The decision to reengage with any User after which time Trobat has refused the User access to the website or barred the User from the provision of any services is at the sole discretion of Trobat.
Taxation & Currency Exchange
The User acknowledges and accepts that Trobat is not responsible for providing advice or information in relation to any importation taxes in the User’s country. The User acknowledges and accepts that Trobat is not responsible for any losses resulting from currency exchange or the conversion of one currency to another in the process of any purchase or commercial transaction between the User and Trobat.
The User acknowledges and accepts that whilst Trobat offers as part of its service the packing and shipping of Artworks, Trobat is not responsible for any damage incurred to the Artwork in transit once it has left the possession and control of Trobat. The User indemnifies Trobat for all direct and consequential loss in relation to any damage incurred to Artwork in transit. It is encouraged that Users make their own arrangements in relation to insurance for the purposes of protecting the Artwork in transit.
The User accepts and acknowledges that all shipping costs at point of purchase are approximates only based on the provision of estimations by DHL. In instances where there are any discrepancies between shipping costs at point of purchase and the actual shipping cost, Trobat will contact the User within a reasonable time to apprise the User of that discrepancy and either invoice for additional money owing or refund the difference of the two costs to the User.
Subject to some exceptions enumerated forthwith, all content, on the Trobat website is copyright of either Trobat or the Artist. Exceptions may include any ‘wanderings imagery’ the subject of which belongs to third party users provided to Trobat for editorial and promotional use only. Content must not be downloaded or used without express written permission from Trobat, or the Artist where the content is their own work. The Artist retains all copyright for physical artworks (which includes reproduction rights) even when the physical property is transferred to the Purchaser. If the Purchaser wishes to reproduce the Work, this must be separately negotiated with the Artist.
Refusal & Termination of Service
Trobat reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time and at its absolute discretion. Trobat reserves the right to modify, terminate or suspend User accounts, at any time, at its discretion, and without prior notice. Trobat reserves the right to unpublished this website and remove the Trobat service at any time and at its absolute discretion without prior notice.
Trobat provides this service and the display, sale and shipping of Artwork on an ‘as is’ basis. It does not provide any absolute warranties as to the content displayed on this website or the condition and quality of the Artwork. Trobat endeavours to provide the best description of the Artworks possible, but does not warrant this to be done in exactitude. Trobat encourages Users as best practice to contact Trobat by email before making any purchases if in doubt or unsure about the condition, state, appearance, or nature of an Artwork. The User agrees not to purchase any Artwork unless the User is absolutely confident that they are satisfied with the nature, quality, standard, condition and appearance of the Artwork, such that they are prepared to make that purchase.
Refunds & Exchanges
The User acknowledges and accepts that Trobat does not provide refunds or exchanges for any reason on any product or service provided by Trobat.